The format of the Dove Faith Café podcast is a faith story shared by a storyteller. Our storytellers are ordinary people like you and me. They typically have no special training in theology, but are eager to tell people how God has worked in their lives.
After the faith story, the podcast continues with a discussion about the story we’ve just heard. The discussion is usually with Dove Faith Café co-hosts Marie Gambetta and Jordan Trendelman. In each episode a special guest joins them to talk about the story and seek out deeper meanings or to unpack the experience. Typically, these guests have theological and/or philosophical training and a passion for faith stories.
Below are some of the special guests we have been fortunate to have join us.
The Rt. Rev. Susan B. Haynes
XI Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Virginia

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas E. Sparks
VIII Bishop of the Diocese of Northern Indiana
The Rev. Canon Willis Foster
Canon for Diversity and Transformation
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia
The Very Rev. Brian G. Grantz
Dean of the Cathedral of St. James, Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana
The Very Rev. Canon James Harlan
Dean and Rector
American Cathedral in Paris
The Rev. Nicole Lambelet
Associate Rector for Children, Youth, and Families
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Atlanta, GA
Jon Adamson
Associate Director, Cedar Grove Cemetery
University of Notre Dame